Event Timeslots (3)
State of Future Computing Track
State of Compute
Dr. Jon Peddie, Jon Peddie Research
State of Future Computing Track
Bob Raikes, Display Daily
How close can we match the Human Visual System?
The last 15 years have seen flat panel displays, especially LCD, drive out almost all the competition. The sheer scale of the flat panel industry makes competition brutally tough. But the sheer scale also makes it attractive for those that think they can disrupt it. One way is to develop new immersive technologies, but that presents many technical challenges. How far can the industry go to meet the desires of those that want even more immersion? How far can we go towards integration with the human visual system?
State of Future Computing Track
Dr. David Rolston, CEO
The Progress and Future of Artificial Intelligence
Alan Turing, famous for the techniques in decoding the Enigma machine in WWII, began the field of artificial intelligence with his paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence in 1950. As research continued for generations since, Hollywood and all forms of artists have taken the vision further with human-like androids, disembodied computer heroes and villains - even unplanned, accidental consciousness itself.
Dr. Rolston will talk about the progress of artificial intelligence in the present day, if it's really being used as artists have envisioned, and his own work on a personal assistant that is truly AI driven.