Briana Brownell, CEO of Pure Strategy
Immersed 2018 is very excited to welcome Briana Brownell, the Founder & CEO of Pure Strategy Inc., to our growing speakers list. PureStrategy.ai’s Automated Neural Intelligence Engine (ANIE) gives enterprises insight from data using AI so they can act faster on customer experience trends and emerging issues.
Briana founded Pure Strategy in 2015 after ten years as a data scientist in the marketing research and finance industries and is a frequent keynote speaker on both technical and business topics including AI, data science, and machine learning. She has lead advanced analytical data projects with top tier companies in pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, banking, insurance, utilities, and retail, among many others.
Immersed takes place Nov 8-9, 2018 in Toronto, Canada. This is our fifth anniversary edition, and it’s going to be something else for people that are in the business of building what’s next and/or are future-proofing their organizations. Core themes include entertainment, healthcare, manufacturing, education, and business.
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