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Immersed Europe Schedule is ONLINE

By August 10, 2015TIFCA News

Mission Impossible 5 in VR!
This is just ONE of the exhibits we are looking forward to seeing on the show room floor at Immersed Europe.  Mission Impossible?  HAH!  We’re on the case!  We are equally excited about additional speakers flying in from all over the world.  Most recently, Srinivis Krishna, CEO of AWE Company, and Kirill Pokutnyy, Author of Chornobyl360 are each going to talk about the use of augmented and virtual reality to teach history.

Based in Toronto, Canada, AWE Company are the developers of the Fort York experience.  Covering acres of land, Fort York is arguably the world’s largest augmented reality experience in existence today.

Kirill Pokutnyy is flying in special from the Ukraine, and he is going to talk about their Chornobyl360 project which is going to make it possible to visit the devastated city of Chernobyl in virtual reality form.

The full schedule is online now.  It features sessions, panel discussions, and technical talks.  While there may still be some shuffling and adjustments because of potential speaker shifts, Immersed Europe will be two packed days of the industry’s best with unique presentations that are very difficult to find elsewhere.  Get yourselves registered ASAP.